Rememberance Day. A Grateful Tribute To Our Veterans Ultimate Sacrifice

November 9th, 2024
Image of Rememberenace Day Poppies in a field.

As General Manager of Ace Plumbing in Calgary, Rememberance Day holds a special place in my heart and in the hearts of our entire team. Having served as a Commanding Officer for RCSCC Undaunted Sea Cadets, I understand firsthand the dedication, commitment, and sacrifice our veterans and active service members make to safeguard our freedoms and values.

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Winterizing AC Units is Important. Read This For Best Results

November 4th, 2024

Winterizing AC Units. A Down-to-Earth Guide for Canadian Homeowners.

two-technicians-winterizing -AC -units

Look, I’ll be honest-I learned about winterizing AC units the hard way. But after watching my neighbour fork out $3,000 for repairs last spring (ouch!), I started to research on how to properly protect these expensive appliances from our brutal Canadian winters. And now I’m sharing everything I have learned about winterizing your AC unit, plus tips from Ace Plumbing and Heating who’s been installing and fixing HVAC systems across Calgary for over 35 years.

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Do You Have a Plumbing Service Plan for Your Home?

October 28th, 2024

Did you know that you should schedule annual maintenance for your home’s plumbing? It’s true. Keeping up with regular maintenance for your plumbing system can go a long way toward preventing unexpected problems in the future.

If you don’t already have a plumbing service plan in Calgary, give our team a call to get on our schedule. We can help you with all of your plumbing needs from maintenance to repairs and everything in between. You can also keep reading to learn more about what exactly happens during plumbing maintenance and why the service is so crucial.

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The Spooky Secrets Of Little Insidious Ghosts In Your Furnace.

October 21st, 2024
A high definition image depicting a small whimsical ghost residing inside a modern house furnace located in a basement-

Ghosts in Your Furnace?

Picture this. It’s 3 AM, and you’re suddenly wide awake. Was that a ghost in your furnace? Before you grab your phone to speed-dial your local ghost exterminator, let me let you in on a little secret. That mysterious noise might just be your furnace crying out for attention. Here’s something that’ll blow your mind! Believe it or not, 75% of those spooky house sounds people report in winter aren’t supernatural at all. They’re just furnaces throwing their version of a temper tantrum! Let’s break down these ghostly activities and turn your ghost story into a fixable furnace tale.

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What Is the Best Whole-House HVAC Solution?

October 14th, 2024
a temperature gauge showing just the right temperature

If you’re ready to upgrade your older HVAC system to a newer model, you may be wondering exactly which solution is right for your home and family. There is no easy answer because each type of HVAC system offers unique benefits. You really have to decide what your expectations and wants are. When you’re ready for a new system, contact us to schedule an in-home assessment. We can review different options and help you decide which one is right for you. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about some of the different solutions for HVAC in Okotoks.

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The Gas Garage Heater and The Best Way How to Save Money

October 7th, 2024
An image of a gas garage heater .
Installed by Ace Plumbing & Heating

Here’s the thing – no one likes walking into a freezing cold garage on a winter morning. You know the drill: shivering as you rush to your car, watching your breath fog up in the air, and crossing your fingers that your car actually starts. But what if I told you that installing a gas garage heater isn’t about comfort? It could actually save you some serious cash in the long run.

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Furnace Filter Options & How to Make the Right Choice.

September 23rd, 2024
image of furnace filter installation

Hey there, fellow homeowners! Have you been standing in the hardware store aisle, scratching your head trying to figure out which furnace filter to choose? Or you might be curled up on your couch with laptop in hand, researching the world of home maintenance? But either way, you’ve come to the right place. Now, let’s try and make sense of different furnace filters and why each one is unique.

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What Are Some Reasons to Call for Emergency Plumbing Service?

September 16th, 2024

It may seem like a plumbing emergency is not something you can be prepared for, but there are some steps you can take now to plan ahead in case a plumbing emergency ever does happen. Keep reading to learn more about some of the times when you might need to call an emergency plumber in Calgary.

We’re also highlighting some steps you can take on your own until our team arrives at your home to address your plumbing emergency. After all, even though we offer emergency services, there’s still a window of time when you can take action and prevent a plumbing emergency from turning into a catastrophe.

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The Best Fall Plumbing Checklist for Your Home.

September 9th, 2024
Image of Jack Devetten the Professer of Plumbing talking about Fall Plumbing Checklist
Professor of Plumbing

How to Make a Fall Plumbing Checklist.

It’s that time of year again to start thinking about preparing your home for the colder months ahead. As the leaves start to change and there’s a chill in the air, one of the most important and often overlooked areas to focus on is to winterproof your plumbing. Preparing in the fall for the winter now, can save you from the headaches of frozen pipes, water damage, and expensive emergency repairs later. Now, let’s start by putting together a fall plumbing checklist to keep your home’s plumbing system trouble free all winter long.

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3 Reasons to Schedule Late-Season AC Service

September 2nd, 2024

You may be counting down the days until summer ends and you can turn off your air conditioner, trading it out for your heater instead. But, you may need late-season AC service before turning your unit off for the fall and winter seasons. 

Give our team a call if you suspect that you may need AC repair in Okotoks, AB. We can help ensure that your air conditioner is fully functional without any issues before turning it off for the season. Keep reading to learn more about why you want to prioritize AC service now instead of putting it off for next year.

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