No matter what type of heating system you have, end-of-season care is important to ensure that the unit is in top shape before turning it off for the summer. Boilers, in particular, require special care at the end of the winter season. If you skip these steps, you risk negative impacts in the next season and the years to come.
Keep reading to learn about the steps you can take to care for your boiler ahead of warmer months as winter winds down. Then, give our team a call to schedule a boiler repair in Calgary, AB, if you suspect that your boiler needs professional care. Addressing any issues now is better than putting them off for later in the year when you have to turn your boiler back on again.
Bleed the Radiators
Water is the key component in how a boiler operates to provide heating for your home. If too much air gets into the radiators, it can interfere with water flow and heating ability. When you bleed the radiators, you open the valves to allow air out so that water pressure returns to normal.
It’s a good idea to bleed the radiators regularly, but it is especially important at the end of the season. If air stays trapped in the radiators, it can lead to corrosion and other problems when you turn your boiler back on for heating again.
Check the Flame Color
While your boiler is operating, you should check the flame color to see if it is bright blue. If so, great! The pilot light on your boiler should always burn bright blue. If it looks more like a faded blue, yellow, or orange, something is wrong with the pilot light.
You should turn your boiler off and allow it to cool down before cleaning around the pilot light to eliminate any buildup. Then, turn it back on again. If this doesn’t help, there may be a different issue that needs to be addressed. In this case, you need to call our team for professional service.
Monitor for Leaks
It’s also a good idea to look all around your boiler for signs of a leak. Even if you don’t see an active leak, you may see stains from previous leaks or water damage to surrounding areas. Leaks are also a problem because where water is getting out, air is getting in. This can contribute to pressure imbalances.
Even if you don’t see an active leak, you need to call for professional service. We can identify the source of the water damage and fix it before it continues while your boiler sits unused over the summer months.
Schedule a Flush
Your boiler should be flushed out once per year to eliminate the buildup caused by minerals found in hard water. If your tap water has a high mineral content, sediment can build up inside your boiler. This can impact boiler efficiency by blocking heat and causing loud noises during operation.
If the sediment becomes significant enough, it can wear away the interior lining of your boiler and lead to corrosion. If this happens, your entire boiler may need to be replaced sooner than you expect. Flushing the boiler out annually clears away these minerals and gives you a fresh start.
Clean the Outside
It’s also a good idea to wipe down the exterior of your boiler. Keeping your boiler clean may seem like it doesn’t contribute much to operation, but it does. Dirt particles can get into the tiniest crevices of your boiler and even inside the boiler itself.
When you clean your boiler, you ensure that there are fewer dust particles on your boiler, so there is less of a chance of them getting inside. Wiping down your boiler also allows you to inspect it and identify any areas of concern. If you notice damage to the exterior of your boiler, there’s a good chance that there is also damage on the inside.
Contact Ace Plumbing and Heating today to schedule an appointment for your plumbing and HVAC needs. Happy Today or You Don’t Pay!